You guys, just one question. What the eff’ is even happening right now? In your whole life, did you ever imagine that we would be dealing with the “pandemic – virus” situation that we are in right now? (Okay, that’s actually two questions.)
Social Distancing. Who ever heard of it before this? We know it’s necessary, but we also know it ain’t easy. Even though we’re pushing through these days of “social distancing”, I’m still struggling to believe that this is real life. I’m still waking up fresh each morning ready to go about my regular routine, until I’m abruptly reminded of the new routine. Now, apparently we have at least a full thirty more days of isolation to push through.
So, I’m checking in on you all. Touching base with an update on what’s happening around the Petaled Pail place and to see what’s happening at your place. How are you getting through your days? How are you doing? What exactly are you doing? How are our medical working friends coping? What are you all struggling the most with in all of this?
To be honest, it’s all starting to wear on me. Harley and I were supposed to be leaving for Boston today, for a girl’s trip to see some history and some flower shops, do some east coast yoga, just for fun, before wedding season and market season kicked in to full gear. We’ve rescheduled for August. Hopefully, those dates are safe for travel.
I’m also catching myself wanting to do things I know we can’t do. Like, going to the movies, taking my family out to dinner, doing some shopping just for fun. I’m pretty sure this is because I typically am the person that wants to do the things I can’t do and have the things I can’t have, always wanting to tackle the seemingly impossible. I know, I’m dealing with it.
I am enjoying the little things daily, our weekly family game nights and dinners around our kitchen table now that we’re all at home in the evenings. That lilac grove I planted in the fall survived the winter and is thriving! You should see all of the tiny lilac buds on those things. More exciting, we have peonies popping up practically everywhere around the farm and the perennial bed is coming to life too! That’s all encouraging. Photos coming soon on FB and Instagram.
Donny is still working. Steel mills are essential. I’m unsure how he is feeling about my growing to-do list for him. I’m trying to only assign one task at a time, so he has no idea just how much I have planned. I’ll keep you posted on that. 😉 Also, we’ll know soon if he reads my blog posts!
Here, our daily routines have completely changed overnight. Here’s a run down of what’s happening.
~ We’ve shifted from Buttercup Pickups to safe, no-contact Doorstep Deliveries. These deliveries are going well and keeping us going (emotionally and fiscally). Seeing you from a distance is better than not seeing you at all! We just love brightening your days. This week we have a paper wrapped “Bursting Bouquet of Blooms” available for $35. You can order through the website here or contact us to order. If you’ve ordered ~ Thank you!!
~ We’re also still able to get our subscriptions out with “Doorstep Deliveries”.
~ With the event and social gathering restrictions, we had 15 brides that had to reschedule their wedding days. Most were able to move to late summer, fall and winter dates, but a few have moved into 2021. Fortunately, all were able to find a date that worked and nobody has cancelled. There will be another blog post about that this week. There are many more milestone celebrations and events on hold too. I’m sure you all have had to put some special celebrations on hold. I’m sorry, it stinks.
~ Maryville Farmers Market has established a weekly “Drive-Thru Market” each week. We’ll begin participating in that this Thursday. The market days are changing a little each week, as we’re planning around the weather. This week is Thursday from 5-6pm in the Maryville Village Hall parking lot. You can order with your favorite participating vendor directly, or through the Maryville Farmers Market. Feel free to contact me if you’re struggling to find any information about this. If you follow Petaled Pail on Facebook or Instagram @petaledpail we made an informative post yesterday about how it works. This will continue through April. I’m still optimistic and keeping my fingers crossed that our regular outdoor market seasons will start on time.
We’re also using this bit of down time to tackle our to-do lists and have a lot of exciting things happening.
~ I’ve found some time to write a block post and get the email list out!
~ We’re continuously starting seeds and beginning to plant and move things outside.
~ Catching up on greenhouse work, mulching and composting beds.
~ Branding & packaging our new herbs, spices & teas, which we’ve named “Wild Taste” by Petaled Pail. We’re putting Harley and her nutrition degree to work here! We’re so lucky to have her. Watch for our April series “Thirty Days of Spice-olation” with Petaled Pail where we’ll be featuring healthy flavor and what to do with it each day in April.
~ Oh, more exciting news, Buttercup is getting a cutesy “roll out bar” for events that we’ll be able to use for our exclusive floral themed cocktails and mocktails. We’re working on collaborations with other local businesses to use some of their special spirits too. More details to come soon.
~ We’ve restocked our beeswax candles in new spring scents, although they are almost already sold out again. So, we’re about to restock again.
~ Working on an exciting new Petaled Pail Subscription Box to be launched in time for Mother’s Day.
~ We’re working on incorporating some videos on our social media posts, so we can include you, our followers, in our day to day. Which will also serve as motivation for me to brush my hair and be presentable, that’ll be win-win!
I keep telling myself we have plenty to do here and to focus on the task at hand. I am so grateful that we’re all healthy and at home and have each other and that we have the technology to be in touch with our family and friends that aren’t in our homes. But the reality is, I just don’t like it, being “grounded” basically with these restrictions.
I miss our regular business model, our Buttercup Pickups, being out and about, our winter markets and all of you. This winter is beginning to feel like a three year off season.
My Gram has always reminded me that “the difficult times are necessary to make us appreciate the good times”. Well, we’re in it, Gram. I get it.
I also want to mention that I recognize that so many people are dealing with so much more than I am right now. I am aware and am not discrediting or down playing the tragedy in all of this. And all of our healthcare workers that are working exhausting hours, and putting themselves at risk to keep us safe, we do see you and are so appreciative.
For my house, this is “general discomfort” for the most part and this is meant to be an update post, just to give you an idea of how things have changed around here with all of it and how we’re handling the changes.
With that, the GOOD TIMES are on the horizon. I promise. We’ll all get back to it sooner than later. We will celebrate again,with weddings and milestone events, work parties and all the special occasions. I think when this is over, we’ll be celebrating, just because we can. We’ll fill the restaurants, bars, stores, schools, offices, parks and all of the things and I think (I hope) that we’re all a little more appreciative of everything and everyone that we’re missing today. I personally try to always be very aware and present in the day to day, but these days are making me aware that I haven’t been quite as present as I thought I was.
So, hang in there my friends. Try to use this time wisely and productively and focus on the little bits of happy that can be found in every day. We’ll be seeing you soon, from a distance for now, but before you know it, up close and personal! I can not wait to catch up with you!
Comment below, or message us and let us know –
How are you getting through your days? How are you doing? What exactly are you doing with your time? How are my medical working friends coping? What are you missing the most? What are you all struggling the most with in all of this?